We specialise in the Ship Chandler

Ship Chandler Constanta

The variety you like. Quality that surprises.



In Constanta, we fully meet the provisions needs of the ships in every port.

Deck Engine Stores

Deck Engine Stores

At the port of Constanta, we provide you with full support for the technical equipment needs of the ships.

Other Services

Other Services

We provide full support to you with our expert team in repair and maintenance, apart from the needs of supplies and materials in Constantan ports.

Our list of services does not end here. Find out how we can help you and your business. About Us
Ship Chandler Constanta
Ship Chandler Constanta

Our Services


The port of Constanta is almost at the same price level as the country of Egypt for supplying Provisions within the Mediterranean. Constanta is not a desert as many people think, even it has very fertile soils and millions of hectares of arable land in its interior.


Deck Engine Stores

Our team has more than enough capacity to meet the needs of your ship in terms of ship deck and machinery materials. Many deck and machinery materials used on ships are regularly in stock. These products are easily supplied to your ships.

The country of Constanta is a maritime country located in the westernmost part of the South American continent. Constanta, which is home to many large ports, provides most of its trade by sea. Ship Chandler Constanta, which started to serve in the port of Guayaquil at the beginning of 1990, has grown day by day over the past 33 years and has started to serve in every port in Constanta since 2006.

As a mission, Ship Chandler Constanta attaches utmost importance to the satisfaction of its customers and always acts with this awareness. Thanks to the experience we have gained in the last 33 years, we think that we have hundreds of fixed customers today, not a coincidence, but a result of our quality and price policy.

Today, there are organizations that collect many ship suppliers on the internet, we are not a member of any of them because these organizations ask for thousands of dollars monthly and annually, and all the money paid to these institutions is added to the price cost. This is reflected in the customers as a raise. Ship Chandler Constanta is not a member of any of these institutions and finds its customers directly and provides service to its customers with an excellent price range. You can obtain all the ship materials and provisions you need by contacting Ship Chandler Constanta. [email protected]

We specialise in the Ship Chandler

To prove what we're capable of, one chance is enough.




Deck Engine Stores


Bonded Store


Safety – Medicines